Shetland Sheepdog Club of Houston Membership Application Procedure

Sheltie Day, 2011
Past Sheltie Days
The Standard

Applicants must attend two regular business meetings as a visitor. The application may be submitted at the third regular business meeting attended by the applicant, at which time it will be read to the membership for the first time. The application will be read to the membership for the second time and voted on at the fourth meeting attended by the applicant.
Once the application process has begun (1st meeting attended as a visitor) the application process is to be completed within twelve (12) months.
1. Membership Requirements:
    a. Dog breeders who sell dogs to commercial outlets or who purposefully engage in the breeding of mixed breeds shall not be considered for membership.
    b. Applicants must attend two regular business meetings of the club within the 6-month period immediately prior to submitting an application.
2. Applications shall be requested by the applicant(s) in person from the Recording Secretary. The Recording Secretary shall be responsible for providing application packets to those who request them and who shall have met the membership requirements. Application packets shall include an Application for Membership and a copy of the Club's Constitution and Bylaws.
3. The membership application is to be signed by two sponsors.
    a. An eligible sponsor must be a member in good standing, defined as being current on dues and having attended three (3) business meetings within the 12-month period immediately prior to the date of the applicant's first meeting.
    b. Sponsors are responsible for checking the accuracy of the information stated on the application and shall verify any information that is questionable.
    c. At least one sponsor shall have visited the quarters in which the applicant maintains his/her dogs and shall attest to the conditions of the quarters being acceptable.
4. When the application is complete, the applicant shall present it in person to the Recording Secretary at a regular business meeting of the Club.
5. The application shall be read (first reading) at the meeting at which it is received.
6. The application shall be read (second reading) and voted on at the next regular business meeting attended by the applicant. Affirmative votes of two-thirds (2/3) of the members present and voting at that meeting shall be required to elect the applicant.
7. The Corresponding Secretary shall be responsible for advising the applicant(s) of the results of the vote.
8. Applicants for membership who have been rejected by the Club may not re-apply within six (6) months after such rejection.
9. Falsification of information on the application shall be considered cause for removal from the Club.
For additional information, please email Corresponding Secretary DeNise Clemens.

copyright 2007-2013 by the Shetland Sheepdog Club of Houston